Parking in Düppelstr, under the Neu Flora and more often than not outside the Apotheke, 20 metres from the shop
English Books and British Foods
040 8514478
open 12-19.00 mon-fri
sat 10-16.00
English Food Shop British Food Shop
Englische Lebensmittel
Union Jack pens pencils mugs cups flags t-shirts
key- rings badges
Our extended foodshop is open and offers a wide range of goods
we do mail order and deliver in Hamburg.
Scones and clotted cream are to order
We can put on a stand for you at your event call us on 040 8514478 for details
The train stop is Holstenstr., 8 minutes from the main Hamburg railway station and the city centre.
Opposite is the Neu Flora musical theatre now playing Tarzan , and from the station you can see my yellow signs, telling you that English Books is nearby. We open at 13.00 and close at 19.00. If you phone I will wait for you to arrive and give you time to shop.
Turn left as you leave the station, walking down Stresemannstr until you get to 169.
A good list of organisations in Hamburg